Tests completed in 232 milliseconds.
34 assertions of 34 passed, 0 failed.
- DOM integration: adding a new unselected option changes nothing (2)Rerun34 ms
- okay@ 20 ms
- okay@ 21 ms
Source: at http://emktz.co.tz/vendor/bower-asset/select2/tests/integration/dom-changes.js:4:1
- DOM integration: adding a new selected option changes the value (4)Rerun17 ms
- okay@ 3 ms
- okay@ 4 ms
- There was more than one selection@ 4 ms
- The selection did not change to Three@ 4 ms
Source: at http://emktz.co.tz/vendor/bower-asset/select2/tests/integration/dom-changes.js:72:1
- DOM integration: removing an unselected option changes nothing (4)Rerun6 ms
- okay@ 3 ms
- okay@ 4 ms
- There was more than one selection@ 4 ms
- The selection changed to something other than One@ 4 ms
Source: at http://emktz.co.tz/vendor/bower-asset/select2/tests/integration/dom-changes.js:138:1
- DOM integration: removing a selected option changes the value (3)Rerun11 ms
- okay@ 3 ms
- okay@ 3 ms
- There was more than one selection@ 3 ms
Source: at http://emktz.co.tz/vendor/bower-asset/select2/tests/integration/dom-changes.js:202:1
- DOM integration: searching tags does not loose focus (1)Rerun20 ms
- okay@ 17 ms
Source: at http://emktz.co.tz/vendor/bower-asset/select2/tests/integration/dom-changes.js:260:1
- DOM integration: adding multiple options calls selection:update once (1)Rerun108 ms
- selection:update was called more than once@ 95 ms
Source: at http://emktz.co.tz/vendor/bower-asset/select2/tests/integration/dom-changes.js:292:1
- select2(val): multiple elements with arguments works (2)Rerun5 ms
- The call should change the value on the first element@ 5 ms
- The call should also change the value on the second element@ 5 ms
Source: at http://emktz.co.tz/vendor/bower-asset/select2/tests/integration/jquery-calls.js:5:1
- select2(val): initializes when jQuery $.data contains cyclic reference (1)Rerun2 ms
- The option value should be pulled correctly@ 2 ms
Source: at http://emktz.co.tz/vendor/bower-asset/select2/tests/integration/jquery-calls.js:34:1
- select2(val): $element.data returns instance and options correctly (5)Rerun3 ms
- Only 1 option should be pulled.@ 2 ms
- okay@ 2 ms
- okay@ 2 ms
- okay@ 2 ms
- okay@ 3 ms
Source: at http://emktz.co.tz/vendor/bower-asset/select2/tests/integration/jquery-calls.js:63:1
- select2(data): single default selection returned (3)Rerun2 ms
- The one selected item should be returned@ 2 ms
- The first option was correct@ 2 ms
- The first option was correct@ 2 ms
Source: at http://emktz.co.tz/vendor/bower-asset/select2/tests/integration/select2-methods.js:7:1
- select2(data): multiple default selections returned (3)Rerun3 ms
- The two selected items should be returned@ 3 ms
- The first option was correct@ 3 ms
- The option value should be pulled correctly@ 3 ms
Source: at http://emktz.co.tz/vendor/bower-asset/select2/tests/integration/select2-methods.js:42:1
- select2(val): single value matches jquery value (2)Rerun2 ms
- The value should match the option tag attribute@ 2 ms
- The value should match the jquery value@ 2 ms
Source: at http://emktz.co.tz/vendor/bower-asset/select2/tests/integration/select2-methods.js:81:1
- select2(val): multiple value matches the jquery value (3)Rerun3 ms
- Two options should be selected@ 3 ms
- The values should match the option tag attribute@ 3 ms
- The values should match the jquery values@ 3 ms
Source: at http://emktz.co.tz/vendor/bower-asset/select2/tests/integration/select2-methods.js:108:1